The Catalogue of Strong Italian Earthquakes describes this earthquake sequence under the following heading
Date | Time | Lat | Lon | Rel | Io | Imax | Sites | Nref | Me | Rme | Location | Country |
30 12 836 | - | 45.183 | 9.167 | b | 4.5 | 4.5 | 1 | 0010 | 4.1 | - | Pavia | Italy |
Space-time parameters
Previous catalogues and reasons of the corrections
(under the following heading:
Date time lat long Io Imax sites ref Earthquake Location
CFT 836 12 30 - 45.18 9.17 - 4.5 1 10 Pavia
ING 836 12 30 - 45.17 9.15 5.0 - - - Pavia
PFG = Catalogo dei terremoti italiani dall anno 1000 al 1980, PFG/CNR
ING = Catalogo dei terremoti italiani dal 1456 a.C. al 1980, ING
State of earthquakes review
(1)Annales Fuldenses sive Annales regni Francorum orientalis, ed. F.Kurze, in "Monumenta Germaniae Historica", SRG in usum scholarum separatim editi, vol.7 (precedente ed. a cura di G.H.Pertz, in MGH, SS, vol.1, Hannover 1826).
Hannover 1891
Associated natural phenomena
(1)Annales Fuldenses sive Annales regni Francorum orientalis, ed. F.Kurze, in "Monumenta Germaniae Historica", SRG in usum scholarum separatim editi, vol.7 (precedente ed. a cura di G.H.Pertz, in MGH, SS, vol.1, Hannover 1826).
Hannover 1891
Ho Peng Yoke
Ancient and mediaeval observations of comets and novae in Chinese sources, in "Vistas in Astronomy", vol.5, pp.127-225.
London 1962
Maffei P.
La cometa di Halley dal passato al presente, 2a ed.
Milano 1987
Major earthquake effects
(1)Annales Fuldenses sive Annales regni Francorum orientalis, ed. F.Kurze, in "Monumenta Germaniae Historica", SRG in usum scholarum separatim editi, vol.7 (precedente ed. a cura di G.H.Pertz, in MGH, SS, vol.1, Hannover 1826).
Hannover 1891
Sequence of the earthquake
(1)Annales Fuldenses sive Annales regni Francorum orientalis, ed. F.Kurze, in "Monumenta Germaniae Historica", SRG in usum scholarum separatim editi, vol.7 (precedente ed. a cura di G.H.Pertz, in MGH, SS, vol.1, Hannover 1826).
Hannover 1891
Author | Title | Text Value | Text Date | Place of publ. |
Alexandre P. | Les séismes en Europe occidentale de 394 à 1259. Nouveau catalogue critique. | Catalogue | 1990 | Brussels |
* | Annales Fuldenses sive Annales regni Francorum orientalis, ed. F.Kurze, in "Monumenta Germaniae Historica", SRG in usum scholarum separatim editi, vol.7 (precedente ed. a cura di G.H.Pertz, in MGH, SS, vol.1, Hannover 1826). | Indirect source | 1891 | Hannover |
Bonito M. | Terra tremante, o vero continuatione de terremoti dalla Creatione del Mondo sino al tempo presente (ristampa anastatica, Sala Bolognese 1980). | Repertory | 1691 | Napoli |
Guidoboni E. (a cura di) | I terremoti prima del Mille in Italia e nellarea mediterranea. Storia archeologia sismologia, Catalogo, pp.574-751. | Catalogue | 1989 | Bologna |
Guidoboni E., Comastri A. e Traina G. | Catalogue of ancient earthquakes in the Mediterranean area up to the 10th century. | Catalogue | 1994 | Bologna |
Ho Peng Yoke | Ancient and mediaeval observations of comets and novae in Chinese sources, in "Vistas in Astronomy", vol.5, pp.127-225. | Scientific bibliography | 1962 | London |
Maffei P. | La cometa di Halley dal passato al presente, 2a ed. | Scientific bibliography | 1987 | Milano |
Mallet R. | Third Report on the Facts of Earthquake Phaenomena (Catalogue of recorded Earthquakes from 1606 B.C. to A.D. 1850), in "Report of the British Association for the Advancement of Science", a.1852, pp.1-176; a.1853, pp.117-212; a.1854, pp.1-326. | Catalogue | 1853 | London |
Mercalli G. | Vulcani e fenomeni vulcanici in Italia (ristampa anastatica, Sala Bolognese 1981). | Catalogue | 1883 | Milano |
Perrey A. | Mémoire sur les tremblements de terre de la péninsule italique, in "Mémoires Couronnés et Mémoires des Savants Étrangers de lAcadémie Royale de Belgique", tomo 22 (1846-47). | Catalogue | 1848 | Bruxelles |
Felt Localities (1)
Locality | Province | Lat | Lon | Intensity | |
Pavia | PV | 45.1892 | 9.16 | IV-V | |
Ci furono otto scosse di terremoto. Non sono indicati altri effetti (1). La morte del conte di Nantes, Lamberto, e di suo suocero, Ugo di Tours, protagonisti di un complotto ai danni dellimperatore Ludovico I, non ha alcuna relazione con questo terremoto essendo avvenuta nellanno 838 (2). (1) |
(under the following heading:
Date time lat long Io Imax sites ref Earthquake Location
0836 12 30 -- -- -- 45.18 9.17 0.0 4.5 0 10 Pavia
The revision was based on 10 accounts:
The results are summarized by 7 synoptic comments.